More than a printer
Every service is designed to meet your expectations with excellence and innovation. From meticulous pre-press preparation to precision printing and classic or artistic finishing, we offer a complete range of solutions to bring your projects to life.
Our specialist teams combine traditional know-how with advanced technology to ensure impeccable results, whatever your requirements.
The Art of preparing your prints to perfection
The pre-press phase is crucial to the printing process, and we treat it with the utmost care.
File exchange + -
Colorimetry and imposition + -
Photoengraving, digitisation and retouching + -
Proofing systems + -
Graphic design and layout + -
Offset and digital printing: two technologies, the same mastery
Offset printing
Snel excels in the art of offset printing, a technology it has mastered and used for over 20 years. Its spearheads: 2 latest-generation Heidelberg Speedmaster presses with a 75 x 106 cm print format and a wide variety of media. Heidelberg presses are renowned in the graphic arts industry for their superior print quality, advanced technology and unrivalled performance. They guarantee high resolution and vibrant colours, improving the quality and consistency of printed products.
And because technology is nothing without people, our offset drivers have
all the qualities required for this job: rigour, passion and creativity. They are
true precision artists!
Special features we offer:
- Mono-bi-tri-quadri colour control
- Pantone colour printing, including fluorescent, metallic and opaque
white. - Holographic ink
- A variety of media: paper, cardboard, Wibalin, toile du marais,
synthetic materials, etc - Stochastic frames
- Machine varnish / acrylic varnish
- Drip off (gloss varnish and matt varnish registration in a single pass)
- Half-cutting
- Micro-perforation
- Hot printing and gilding
- …
We are committed to continually developing our techniques to remain at
the cutting edge of performance.
Digital printing
Digital printing enables us to meet growing demand: limited print runs, ultra-tight deadlines, on-demand printing, personalised communication, updating documents, etc. Our digital department offers you the chance to explore new opportunities.
We have chosen our partners from among the market leaders: Kodak and
Canon. We have expertise in two technologies: sheet-fed toner and rotary
inkjet. This cutting-edge technology is ideal for high-volume, full-colour,
high-quality digital printing. A unique proposition in Wallonia.
Our aim is to get as close as possible to offset precision. A daily challenge
that makes Snel the supplier of exceptional and unrivalled quality in digital
Finishing and binding
Achieving perfect harmony between content and form - that's the power of finishing. This crucial and essential stage includes all the operations required to produce the printed object.
Folding and creasing + -
French-fold, Z-fold, gate fold, double gate fold, etc.
Soft binding + -
Insetting with metal stitching with straight or omega stitch.
Hot melt or PUR glued square back.
Stitched with linen thread and glued square back.
Linen thread sewn on the visible spine, with or without coloured thread or
printed edge of the sections.
Binding + -
Hard or soft cover - square or round spine.
Special bindings + -
Soft or hard Swiss binding, with or without gauze, visible spine binding,
Bodonian binding, otabind, Japanese binding, smock stitching, Singer
stitching, spiral or Wire-O.
Embellishments + -
Toile de marais covers, embossing, gilding, hot printing, goffering, mottling...
Lacquer, varnish, laminating, die-cutting + -
Acrylic lacquer, gloss, matt, soft touch.
Gloss, matt and drip-off varnishes.
UV, total or selective varnish.
Gloss, matt, anti-scratch matt, soft touch matt, textured and metallic
Die-cutting or robotic cutting table without attachment points.
Sticker cut-out at mid-face.
Perforation, micro-perforation, holes.
Further details + -
Round corners.
Insertion of dividers and bookmarks.
Sample bonding.
Printing and fitting of dust jackets.
Flexible and rigid sheaths.
Made-to-measure boxes.
Packaging and wrapping + -
Packaging and wrapping: Individual shrink-wrapping, shrink-wrapping,
cardboard boxing, bulk palletising.
Additional services
Printing on demand + -
One of the new opportunities offered by digital printing is printing on demand, also known "POD".
At Snel, we can print volumes on demand, i.e. in small quantities, as and when you need them. Each print run provides an opportunity to update the content. If required, we can provide a buffer stock and organise shipment of your printed matter to the destination of your choice.
This approach allows you to offer your readers content that is always relevant, while reducing or even eliminating the waste associated with overproduction or content obsolescence.
The icing on the cake? Our IT expertise means we can offer you the development of online ordering platforms or virtual libraries that are customised and fully adapted to your business requirements.
Customisation + -
Are you looking for different or exclusive content? Take advantage of our flexible approach: we can adapt your standard documents to your requirements (text and/or image).
Drawing on a common base, you can print variations of personalised prints
at a competitive rate. Your document is printed in many copies, but in
different versions or translations. In this way, each reader receives content tailored to their situation.
Of course, it's possible to go even further by creating personalised prints right down to the smallest detail.
Stock management + -
Are you short of space to store your printed materials? Let us take care of it.
Our secure warehouses are ideal for storing your books, magazines or
documents safely and in the best possible conditions. And then we deliver
them to you as required.
Careful, efficient shipping + -
You can count on us for fast, reliable delivery. Our team ensures that your
products arrive at their destination in perfect condition, wherever it may be, and on time. We are highly flexible and offer you the possibility of
organising the delivery of your printed matter in several consignments, to
several addresses: whether to your offices, your subsidiaries or even
individually packaged for each final recipient.
Routing + -
Management of your address database, production of your labels or
waybills, packaging (including 100% bio-compostable and recyclable film),
franking and delivery to the post office.
Following the initiative launched by BPost to offset the CO2 emissions
generated during the processing of mailings deposited in their MassPost
centres, the distribution of routed volumes is climate neutral.
Papers + -
We have built up a large and diverse stock of paper at our production site
to compensate for any supply problems or sudden fluctuations in raw
material prices.
It is also possible to work with a buffer stock that is reserved for you and
dedicated to guaranteeing the immediate availability of paper for your
"collections". At your request, we can also print on your own paper.
- 1. Comment transmettre mes fichiers ?
- 2. Comment savoir si mes fichiers sont conformes ?
- 3. J’ai besoin d’une assistance téléphonique ; quel outil utiliser ?
- Par e-mail, via WeTransfer ou autres moyens numériques.
- Via notre portail sécurisé si vous êtes déjà client et que vous disposez de vos accès personnels.
- Si vous êtes un nouveau client et que vous souhaitez nous envoyer vos fichiers via notre serveur, insérez votre adresse e-mail ci-dessous afin de recevoir un lien vous permettant de nous les transmettre :
Son interface web très conviviale est en liaison avec notre flux de production afin d’optimiser l’automatisation des processus, le contrôle des corrections et leur approbation…
- Pour la création graphique de documents destinés à l’impression, il est fortement recommandé d’utiliser des logiciels de PAO (Publication Assistée par Ordinateur), tels que la suite Adobe (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop) ou d’autres applications équivalentes.
- Les logiciels de bureautique de Microsoft (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) ou d’autres marques sont à éviter.
- Les fichiers doivent être au format final des documents à imprimer. Il convient d’ajouter un fond perdu de 3 mm ainsi que les traits de coupe. Très important, ce débord est supprimé à la coupe lors du massicotage au format final, il permet ainsi de ne pas laisser apparaitre de liseré blanc sur les bords du document. Enfin, le format doit prévoir une marge intérieure de 5 mm minimum du bord de coupe, une mesure de sécurité afin qu’aucun texte ne soit coupé lors de la rogne.
- Pour un rendu optimal, les fichiers images importés dans les documents mis en page doivent être en haute définition. Ils doivent donc être enregistrés avec une résolution de 300 ppp (pixels par pouce), valeur conventionnelle. En effet, une résolution plus basse affecte la qualité de rendu après impression en rendant l’image moins précise. Enfin, les fichiers images importés et les couleurs des nuanciers utilisés doivent être convertis en mode colorimétrique CMJN selon la norme FOGRA en vigueur.
- Veillez à ce que toutes les polices de caractères soient bien incorporées lors de la génération de votre PDF. Dans le cas de polices non insérables, n’oubliez pas de les vectoriser.
- Lors de l’exportation de votre mise en page en PDF, respectez bien les différents critères énoncés précédemment en ajoutant des traits de coupes à 5 mm du format fini, vous pouvez également télécharger et installer nos réglages d’exportation pour Adobe InDesign.
Dans le cadre d’une assistance téléphonique, notre département informatique a la possibilité de « prendre la main » sur votre ordinateur.
À cet effet, téléchargez l’application AnyDesk correspondant à votre environnement, ouvrez celle-ci et suivez les informations qui s’affichent à l’écran.
En cas d’incompatibilité avec AnyDesk, il est possible qu’on vous propose d’utiliser TeamViewer QuickSupport.