Les hivernales de la danse


Bringing the crème de la crème of international classical and contemporary dance to Liège is the crazy challenge taken on by Les Hivernales de la Danse, created in 2012 by Marie Doutrepont.
Emotions, excellence and moments suspended in time are just a few of the hallmarks of this prestigious Gala, where excerpts from the great classical repertoire mingle with emblematic contemporary pieces, while leaving plenty of room for contemporary creation. The diversity of styles, the virtuosity of the performers and the raw, contemporary atmosphere of the venue allow both the novice and the regular enthusiast to escape into a different world and be touched in an almost unexpected way by the Art of Dance.

A book-object entitled « Dix ans d’étoiles” (Ten years of stars) has been produced to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Les Hivernales. This compendium of emotions now travels the world, carrying the story of Les Hivernales and its prestigious artists far beyond our borders.


#card #stitched #munken-polar-rough #acrylic-varnish #curious-translucents-clear #reproduction #renfourrage #american-jacket



Snel Grafics

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